Ebook – Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locations – Fifth Edition
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When you are faced with an injury or sudden illness in a remote location, it is essential to know what to look for and what to do. Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locations Navigate 2 eBook, Fifth Edition is your comprehensive guide.
This Navigate 2 eBook is developed for use within Wildreness First Aid training courses offered through Emergency Care & Safety Institute.
When you are faced with an injury or sudden illness in a remote location, it is essential to know what to look for and what to do. Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locations Navigate 2 eBook, Fifth Edition is your comprehensive guide. A must for outdoor recreationists and those who live or work in remote locations, this book provides information on how to handle common injuries and illnesses when medical care is an hour or more away. Easy to follow, Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locations Navigate 2 eBook directs you through the most appropriate type of care.
This resource is the official collaboration between the Wilderness Medical Society, the largest membership society in the world devoted to wilderness medical issues, and the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Galería : Ebook - Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locations - Fifth Edition
The Fifth Edition includes:
Coverage of the 2015 CPR and ECC Guidelines New content on first aid and emergency care for dogs Decision tables that provide a concise summary of what signs to look for and what treatment steps to take Skill Sheets that offer step-by-step explanations and visual summaries of important skills Flowcharts that reinforce the decision-making process and appropriate procedures A refined table of contents for focused learning and quick reference
Skill Sheets that offer step-by-step explanations and visual summaries of important skills Flowcharts that reinforce the decision-making process and appropriate procedures A refined table of contents for focused learning and quick reference
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